Friday, May 22, 2009

An uncomfortable day...

for Burt today. He just can't seem to get comfortable for long. He did get out of bed and sit in the chair for two hours today, that's an improvement. His hands and arms are swollen from all the fluids they're putting in him. He has tubes and drains and whatnot running everywhere. I saw his incision today and it runs from one side of the stomach to the other. He must have like 50 staples in there! The doctor's are impressed with his progress so far, he may move to the PCU tomorrow sometime. We have not gotten the pathology report back on the tumor yet. Probably won't get it until Tuesday now, as Monday is a holiday.

1 comment:

RobinV said...

Well that is great news that the Dr.'s are happy with his progress. Hope he is able to get comfortable soon and continues on a speedy recovery.