Monday, May 4, 2009


Went to the GI doctor early this morning who told us we caught this in time. Said if we'd waited two or three more weeks before coming in Burt would have a 6 month survival rate. Dr. D said he could send Burt to a surgeon at Johns Hopkins or UM but we have the best surgeon right here for this type of surgery. We want to wait until we get the biopsy results tomorrow before scheduling surgery but we need to have it done right away. Don't want to give this mass anytime to spread or get larger. Burt is still losing weight and I want him to stay strong for the surgery.

So later this morning we went to see the surgeon, Dr. V, who comes highly recommended by everyone we've talked to. He explained what he'd have to do to remove the mass, and will also be removing his gall bladder and part of the small intestine. It's a long all day surgery and Burt will be hospitalized for 10-12 days afterwards for recovery. Then he dropped the bombshell, he can't do it for two weeks. He is off next week and needs time to gather his team for the surgery. He wants to have the best people around him when he's doing the surgery. I'm like, I wanted this done yesterday!!!

So now we're waiting to hear from the GI doctor, we called him after visiting the surgeon, not sure if we should wait the two or more weeks. I hate this waiting, I want to get this done and over with, now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geeze, Sherrie, here you are doing all you can do, and the DOCTORS who are supposed to SPRING INTO ACTION and help you with this will take TWO WEEKS to assemble a team??? I just don't get it. And that's after telling you if you had waited TWO MORE WEEKS it would have been a six-month prognosis for Burt. Harumph!