Monday, May 11, 2009


This is Anna Renee, Sherrie's daughter. She wanted me to update the blog so everyone knows what's going on. Over the weekend, Dad wasn't feeling too good. He started to look yellow and he was very fatigued. Dani called Dr. D early this morning and he wanted us to get Dad into Union Hospital so they could monitor him and get him some fluids. We ended up getting him into Christiana after some discussion with his doctors. They advised us there that they would check his liver and kidney functions, give him fluids and run some tests. They also gave us a surgical consult and their surgeon said it would be about 3 or 4 weeks for them to assemble the team and run the tests they needed to do the surgery right. This is major surgery, and not something that should be rushed. They explained that if a matter of a day or two would make a difference in whether the tumor/cancer had spread or not, then the surgery would not be effective and they would be doing more harm than good. So we feel a little better having that explained to us.

So that leaves us with him in the hospital now. They are going to keep him for a few days at most to ensure he is stable. They have told us he is malnurished, since his body is not absorbing the nutrients from what he eats, he is also dehydrated. They are running tests to see how his liver and kidney functions are. We have a meeting with a Pancreatic surgeon in the morning, and a dietician. The dietician is to make sure we are getting him foods that will make him stronger for the surgery next week. As of tonight, it looks like we are going to stay the course and have the surgery with Dr. V next Wednesday. Dad is still in good spirits and hanging in there. Please keep the prayers coming, we know they are helping.


Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

Thanks for the update, I hope he starts feeling better soon! Hugs to everyone in the family, I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers!

Pat said...

Your family is in my prayers.

nfaband said...

Sherrie, I'll keep your husband and family in my prayers. We miss you at SAS and hope that soon all will be well again and you can be back with us.