Saturday, May 16, 2009

Things seem normal around here

Burt is doing well, not losing any more weight but still thin. We are watching what he eats so his sugar doesn't go up too high. It's almost impossible to control with the meds anymore, in the hospital they brought it down with insulin shots. Why they didn't give him insulin for home is beyond me. He starts a liquid diet on Monday for the two days before the surgery. I think the closer we get to Wednesday the more nervous we get. Today was a quiet day, everyone has something to do so only a few visitors.

The kids are at the wedding of one of Robert's friends. We would have liked to go but don't want to chance Burt catching something. Adrian promised to take pictures for us and so did Dani. Tomorrow I hope to go to church, they are going to dedicate the sign my Dad made in memory of his parents and two sisters. I will post pictures tomorrow. Almost all of our family is coming so it will be a nice occasion. Time to do something 'normal' for a change.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are hanging in there! STill have my fingers crossed and knees bent!-Conni

RobinV said...

I think about you all every day. Hope all is going well. Let me know if you need anything.