Dani was too sick to go. She woke me up at 5:30 am because she was vomiting. I gave her some anti-nausea medicine and told her to stay in bed. As the day wore on she wasn't any better so we called the doctor. He gave us a prescription for something else but it didn't help. Around 7 pm she was having pain in the abdomen so we called the doctor again. He suggested we take her to the ER, as it seemed like she might have appendicitis.
If you've ever been to the ER on a Saturday night, you know that it's a madhouse. Thankfully, they took us in quickly. Of course, some of the nurses remembered us from just one month ago, when we had been there for the last time with Burt. When they had trouble getting the IV started I just lost it. Too many recent memories of going through that with Burt. Dani cried and said she wished her Daddy was there. I know she misses him terribly.
Before long they realized she was bleeding internally and they ordered some tests. At 2:30 am they decided to admit her. I had already gone home as I was exhausted and couldn't think straight. BJ stayed with her until she was settled in a room. They ran test after test until they got the bleeding under control. She was finally able to come home today, under strict orders to rest and eat a bland diet for a week. She is happy to be home for Christmas and to be back in her own bed.
With this behind us, I am hoping that we have finally hit rock bottom, that the only way we can go from here is up. I am so grateful for all the support and love my family has received during these trying times. Bless you all!