Monday, September 13, 2010

Chemo starts tomorrow

Time to bring back the big guns. His first chemo treatment is tomorrow morning. He will be taking Gemzar again, since he tolerated it well last year I'm hoping it will be the same this year. Supposed to have another chemo treatment at the same time, a pill called Traceva, but I haven't heard anything else about it. I don't know it they're going to give it to him there while he gets the Gemzar or what.

We are starting to manage the pain better with the pain meds but we need to be vigilant and not miss a dose. I find myself giving him a lot of back rubs, they seem to help a little with the back pain. Nights are hardest. When he can't sleep he tries to not wake me up, but I get up anyway. I don't know how many times I check on him during the night, just to make sure he's still breathing! His appetite is a little better, hopefully he hasn't lost any more weight.

Gotta go, he's calling...


nfaband said...

Sherry, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband during this trying time. I hope that he tolerates the treatments well and that the setbacks are few. Hugs to you and yours.

Peggy said...

Have been thinking about you and hoping things are okay! Hugs to you and your family