Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 7th

Round 2 of the chemo treatment. Seems to go well, he's in and out in an hour and a half. We will see if this round hits him on Thursday and makes him tired again. Tomorrow we go see the radiation doctor, he will explain what we are going to do after these two months of chemo are over. I am learning so much about the treatment of cancer. It's never ceases to amaze me how many people around here have cancer. The disease does not discriminate, it's can hit anyone. No one is safe from it.

Anna's wedding is fast approaching! Only 25 more days! I really, REALLY need to go find a dress to wear! I was going to go shopping today after Burt's chemo treatment, but ended up cleaning the pool. With all the rain we've had lately we have some algae growing on the sides.....so I shocked the heck out of it and got in with the vacuum. Sure did get my exercise today.....

I have to go to work tomorrow so I can rest a little......:-)

1 comment:

Lynette in Delaware said...

You are so right, about how many people have Cancer. It used to be you would never hear about anyone with it little alone survivors. Now it is becoming more and more common.
We are in a great club of "survivors" and heres to hoping the club gets a larger and larger membership!
Hang in there and keep strong!