Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday, July 14th

Last chemo treatment for the first round today! He has two weeks off until we start the second round. We were in and out in an hour. I picked up Anna's wedding dress and Dani's maid of honor dress and have them safely home. The weather is absolutely beautiful for July, cool in the mornings (60's) and just warm enough in the afternoon that we don't have to have the AC on!

By the way, I did find a dress for the wedding, so that's one more thing to cross off my list. I wonder if Anna will let me bring my camera to the wedding?

1 comment:

Lynette in Delaware said...

Cameras...thats a Moms duty! My kids always tease me that I keep my camera in my purse at all times. If my vote counts, I say take the camera with you. haha. I am so glad Burt will be getting a break from his treatment. It will be a welcome break for the both of you!