Wednesday, September 16, 2009

An unwanted change....

Well, I guess it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Taking the radiation and chemo, Burt's sugar is now sorta out of control again. Dr. S today told him he needs to take shots of insulin to keep his sugar under control. So depressing. We have all the stuff.... pen, needles, vials of insulin, but haven't used it yet. I wish he had to do the first one at the doctor's office. They just told him how to do it and how much to use and sent him home. I am not much help, don't like needles any more than he does but I guess I'm going to have to learn how to give the shots in case he can't do it himself at some time....

He's supposed to give himself the shots in the stomach, but there's not much fat there so he may have to use the thigh. Can't use the arm because of too many veins. The needles are not long, maybe 1/2 an inch.

Tomorrow is day 14 of the radiation so he's half way through. Only 14 more days to go if everything goes ok. Once he's done radiation, he'll have two weeks off, no bag, no pump, no chemo, no nothing. I really think he's looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Lynette in Delaware said...

I am so Sorry to hear about Burt needing insulin. I have not been very good at keeping up with the news, now that I am on the mend I will try to keep up better. We will keep you both in our prayers. Stay strong!!